Erika Ruber
Erika Ruber offers a unique, integrative approach to health and wellness. Using a multi-disciplined approach by combining her education in Clinical Social Work with extensive training in movement, dance, and mindfulness. Erika offers a dynamic and fulfilling experience in her workshops, trainings, classes, and private practice.
Erika is the proud mother of two young children. Her children are a constant reminder of how to be present and live fully.
As a psychotherapist Erika brings a focus on integrating traditional talk therapy with whole body awareness, achieving effective results in helping people to recover, heal, and strengthen themselves and their relationships. Erika worked for years as an individual and group therapist at Morrison Child & Family Services Family Sexual Abuse Treatment Program. Erika has received training and certification in Sensorimotor psychotherapy, which is a body centered approach to trauma treatment.
As the Director of Specializations for The Nia Technique International Headquarters, Erika worked alongside Co-founders Debbie Rosas and Carlos Rosas to develop Nia education and training for specialty markets like children, mental health, and oncology. She has worked as a Wellness Consultant for the West Linn School District, developing and implementing a Body Mind wellness curriculum for middle schools. She co-created the Mindful Parent and Caregiver Program with Mark Lilly, Founder of Street Yoga. This curriculum teaches everyday skills using movement, yoga, and mindfulness to decrease stress, increase self care, and live more powerfully as a parent and or clinician/social worker.
LCSW & Founder of Emerge Movement

I believe that by connecting deeply to the body
we can heal, strengthen, discover wholeness,
and become enlivened.